In the heart of Sweden’s rural expanse, where the serene landscapes stretch infinitely, Alexandra Larsson found her calling. Not initially destined for the quiet life, Alexandra dreamt of globetrotting, yet life’s journey landed her in a small town in central Sweden. Here, she embarked on a venture that would redefine an industry and empower her community.
“My name is Alexandra Larsson, and I’m from the middle of Sweden,” she begins, recounting her story with a blend of pride and humility. Alexandra’s journey from a high school student with worldly aspirations to a thriving business owner is nothing short of remarkable.
In 2014, Alexandra founded Rosa Kortet, a driving school whose name pays homage to the distinctive pink colour of Swedish driver’s licenses. What began as a modest enterprise has blossomed into a bustling business employing twelve instructors, both men and women, and serving three communities. Rosa Kortet now oversees approximately 500 driver’s licenses annually, a testament to its growing influence and Alexandra’s vision.
Reflecting on her inspiration, Alexandra recalls, “The driving school industry was dominated by older men and had grown somewhat stagnant. I saw an opportunity to modernise it, to inject it with new life.” Her innovative approach has transformed Rosa Kortet into more than just a driving school. It is a beacon of modern pedagogy and technology, featuring advanced tools like simulators to provide students with immersive learning experiences.
However, the road to success wasn’t without its bumps. “When I started, there were whispers that ‘this little girl could never run a business.’ It was a challenge to prove them wrong, but it was also motivating,” Alexandra shares. Despite these early doubts, she persevered, driven by a desire to lead by example and foster a positive work environment. “Being a female leader is about continually evolving, finding your leadership style, and empowering your employees to grow alongside you.”
Looking ahead, Alexandra envisions continuous improvement for her business and herself. “My goal is always to become better, not just personally but in leading my team and enhancing our services. “FLIARA’s network and resources will undoubtedly help in achieving these ambitions.”
For women aspiring to innovate in their fields, Alexandra offers practical advice. “First, write down your ideas. Seeing them outside your mind, whether on paper or on a PowerPoint, helps you evaluate their viability. If it still excites you, pursue it. Secondly, keep your social connections strong. It’s easy to get lost in your work, so let your friends pull you out occasionally, keep you grounded, and offer fresh perspectives.”
In closing, Alexandra’s vision for the future is clear and inspiring. “This opportunity with FLIARA has shown me that progress doesn’t have to stop. Continually engaging with others, learning, and pushing forward will get you where you want to be.”
Alexandra Larsson’s story is one of innovation, resilience, and the transformative power of community. From a small town in Sweden, she has not only reshaped an industry but also illuminated a path for others to follow. Her journey is a testament to what can be achieved with determination, vision, and a supportive network.