Ethan Cleary
Agricultural Technology Policy and Innovation Executive
Irish Farmers Association (IFA) and COPA-COGECA, Ireland.
Ethan comes from a 5th generation arable farm and is passionate about connecting agriculture with technology that benefits farmers.
For the last 20 years he has worked as a developer, designer, program manager, researcher, technology consultant and policy strategist across a range of industries including large multinationals, public sector to early stage start-ups.
He is currently the Irish Farmers’ Association’s Technology and Innovation Executive responsible for the Association’s overall technological development and strategic roadmap.
From a policy perspective, his current focus is driving the innovation and digital agenda for Irish farmers at an EU and national level with the aim of ensuring farmers benefit from this era of rapid digital transformation.
He is also a member of Copa-Cogeca’s agricultural technology workforce and is currently part of the DEMETER Horizon 2020 project which is a large-scale deployment of farmer-centric, interoperable smart farming-IoT (Internet of Things) based platforms, delivered through a series of 20 pilots across 18 countries.