Tools4CAP first Info Session
Tools4CAP, which stands for Innovative Toolbox empowering effective CAP governance towards EU ambitions, will organise an online info session on June 26, 2023, from 10 am to 12 pm (CET). This event marks an important milestone in the launching phase of our project, as we extend our outreach beyond the consortium and invite external actors to actively participate.
The objectives of the info session are:
- Present the Tools4CAP project;
- Inform about the first outcomes of the project: (i) Inventory of methods and tools used by Member States and (ii) activities that will involve stakeholders participation;
- Raise awareness of the Tools4CAP Academy, and the possibility to organise some modules ad hoc to the need of end users;
- Establish contact points with key stakeholders and end users and facilitate their engagement.
- Enhance the exchange, learn and interact with end users.