On October 7, 2024, the FLIARA project participated in the launch of the GRASS CEILING European Policy Forum for women-led innovation, an event organised by AEIDL and Copa-Cogeca. This forum gathered over 80 attendees, including representatives from EU institutions, national and regional government bodies, researchers, NGOs, and EU projects such as FLIARA, hailing from 21 countries. The forum’s primary goal was to highlight the critical role of women in socio-ecological innovations within farming and rural economies and foster gender-inclusive policy development across Europe.
The event opened with a joint introduction by Blanca Casares (AEIDL) and Branwen Miles (Copa-Cogeca), who presented the objectives of the European Policy Forum and its potential for driving impactful change in rural areas. Sally Shortall, GRASS CEILING’s project coordinator, offered key insights into how public policy can further support women’s social entrepreneurship in rural areas, emphasising the unique challenges women face, such as the lack of childcare in remote locations.
A series of presentations followed from influential voices in the field. Elena Schubert (DG AGRI) underscored the essential role of women in sustainable agriculture and discussed the importance of providing equal opportunities to encourage more women to enter farming and forestry. Maria Nikolopoulou (European Economic and Social Committee) spoke on the need for gender lens investing to drive gender equality, advocating for concrete targets, inclusive financial ecosystems, and dedicated gender funds to support women-led ventures.
The forum also featured contributions from experts from the Centre for European Policy Studies, who stressed the importance of considering the gender dimension within broader sustainability and climate policies, such as the European Green Deal.
After these presentations, participants engaged in four interactive workshops addressing key topics: cultural norms and stereotypes, gaps in gender-disaggregated data, structural and financial needs, and the current legal framework. These sessions explored strategies to reduce the impact of gender-based cultural norms, improve women’s access to financial resources, and better integrate gender equality into EU and Member State policies.
The discussions from the event will inform the first set of policy recommendations aimed at fostering women-led innovations and enhancing gender equality in rural areas and agriculture.
As part of FLIARA’s ongoing commitment to promoting gender equality and empowering women in rural innovation, the project’s participation in the forum reinforces its role in advancing inclusive policies and supporting sustainable change.
Those interested in joining the European Policy Forum and contributing to the discussions can sign up here: European Policy Forum Registration.
For further information, please contact Blanca Casares (bca@aeidl.eu) or Branwen Miles (branwen.miles@copa-cogeca.eu).