Ailbhe Gerrard
Brookfield Farm
Remote rural areas
The innovation journey
Ailbhe Gerrard is the farmer and beekeeper behind Brookfield Farm. After working and living in Dublin and abroad for many years, she returned to Brookfield Farm beside her family home. Ailbhe studied Sustainable Development in University College London, and Organic Farming for three years in the renowned Scottish Agricultural College (SRUC). She was honoured with a Nuffield Agricultural Scholarship, and lectures at Gurteen Agricultural College. Driven by her vision of bringing agriculture back to its sustainable roots; producing good food for people. Ailbhe has farmed Brookfield Farm for over ten years, growing skills, developing new ideas and making collaborations with skilled farmers, apiarists and consumers.
The innovation impact
Ailbhe’s farming responsibilities now include managing: an organically certified sheep enterprise; a native woodland and a broadleaf plantation; beehives producing honey for farm diversification; tillage crops; GLAS agri-environment measures including arable margins, bee boxes, bird boxes, bat boxes, and wild bird cover.
An important part of the success of the farm is sustainable agriculture research and planning. In 2016 Ailbhe applied and was awarded the Nuffield Agricultural Scholar 2016. Her research report focused on adding value to farm produce and reaching customers directly. Locally she provides food via sustainable practices, research, teaching and does Field Exchanges. Field Exchange is funded by Creative Ireland + the inaugural Creative Climate Action Fund. The Exchanges provide opportunities for farmers, food producers, artists, experts and anyone interested, the public space, time and community to collaborate.