Belinda Schwarz-Wittigschlager
Remote rural areas
The innovation journey
Belinda Schwarz-Wittigschlager from Hechelhof in the district of Neustadt/Aisch-Bad Windsheim set up a cheese dairy to make her farm economically viable and “fit for the next generation”, but the farm budget did not allow for an investment in a new branch. When searching for solutions, Belinda found a grant for small projects, which was not known by the farming community yet. She applied for funding and convinced the donors of her investment in artisanal cheese making. With this financial support from the Aurach Zenn Municipal Alliance, Belinda was able to set up a small farm cheese dairy in former slaughter rooms and an old vaulted cellar.
Years ago, Belinda and her husband had taken over the farm from her parents. When she was young, it was not common for girls to become farmers. It was a compromise to register for a traineeship in rural housekeeping. However, this education was advantageous for the establishment of the cheese factory. Nowadays, the couple runs two farm businesses. Belinda oversees the artisan cheese making while her husband runs the arable farm.
The innovation impact
Since the farm has a farm shop with short opening hours, neighbours and other customers note the day and time to visit the Hechelhof. The Hechelhof cheese is an artisanal speciality and sells well as a present. Moreover, Belinda’s cheese shop developed quickly into a village meeting place. Furthermore, the storytelling about farming and food production is Belinda’s mission: “The consumers have very little knowledge about and recognition for local food production.” School and kindergarten teachers come with their groups to the farm. Belinda’s concept is not new. However, in this relatively remote rural area, no other farm had started to open its doors to sell premium products and at the same time, welcome customers to trigger dialogues and raise awareness for farmers’ challenges.