Ivana Cihlářová
Jihočeské zemědělské muzeum
Czech Republic
Rural village
The innovation journey
The museum is situated in the heart of southern Bohemia, near the Temelín nuclear power plant, which is one of the museum’s sponsors.
The company operates in a renovated farmhouse. It preserves agricultural production (beef and vegetable products), combined with knowledge sharing and entertainment, especially for children. Visitors can try old agricultural machines in operation and craft courses are also held. The museum is supported by European, national and regional grants.
M.Sc. Netíková, one of the founders of the museum, was born and lives in the countryside. Her father was a veterinarian. After secondary horticulture school, she graduated from the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (majoring in applied ecology). She has three children, and she feels like a country girl.
In 2023, the museum received a European grant aimed at promoting its activities to increase the number of visitors. The rating on Google is 4.7.
The innovation impact
The museum represents a link between agriculture and culture. It is one of the ways multifunctional agriculture works because agricultural production is connected, on the one hand, with direct sales and, on the other hand, with educational and entertainment events. Unlike large agricultural museums, the visitor is drawn into history. These activities can hardly be implemented without financial support and sponsors.