
Tiina Korhonen

Tiina Korhonen


Vesannon Siemen




Rural area close to city

The innovation journey

In 2006, Mrs. Tiina Korhonen moved into Vesanto, Finland, and took over the farm and seed production business with her spouse upon succession. She soon started expanding and diversifying the seed production business.

A major investment was a new seed dryer running on local wood chips. Also, the no-tillage farming technique was adopted. These supported the aim to reduce oil consumption and safeguard the environment.

Currently, the business covers more than 300 hectares in seed production by the family and subcontractors. Further growth of the business is still an objective.

The innovation impact

The business provides full livelihood for the family, one salaried worker and two seasonal workers. It also provides a profitable outlet for local farms that give up animal husbandry and start crop farming (otherwise they might have afforested farmland and given up farming or produced bulk products). The business contributes to the local economy and vitality in many ways.

To promote female entrepreneurship, more education and extension could be targeted to women who are responsive to it. A move away from fossil economy should be promoted to save the environment – such is possible by supporting bioenergy investments and sustainable cultivation techniques.

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