Longford Women’s Link
Longford Women’s Link is a dynamic social enterprise in Ireland which was founded in 1995. Over the past 28 years LWL has diversified and expanded to become a substantial organisation that uses its unique Integrated Service Delivery model to provide practical supports to women and their families while incorporating good practice in community development to advocate for social change. LWL has always been guided by a fundamental purpose of providing a space for women to ‘develop their voice’ in order to address the myriad issues that they and their families face. LWL engages in both social change and empowerment processes to support women and their families in Longford. The ethos which underpins the work of LWL is the belief that inequality and complex disadvantage needs to be addressed using a multi-method approach. LWL operates using a model of Integrated Service Delivery which ensures that LWL’s headline interventions precipitate specific chains of events that contribute to social impact.
LWL Integrated Service Delivery (ISD) Model.
Women In Entrepreneurship
LWL has a long history of establishing nascent and early-stage business mentoring programmes (often in collaboration with other agencies such as Longford LEO). LWL currently facilitates a Women Into Self Employment (WISE) group. Previous programmes have been funded by the ESF, Government departments and philanthropic/CSR initiatives. LWL is delighted to be part of the FLIARA consortium and brings a practitioner lens to the programme.