

FLIARA Newsroom

The latest news about the FLIARA project

FLIARA, or Female-Led Innovation in Agriculture and Rural Areas, is a groundbreaking Horizon Europe project focused on empowering women as leaders in …

The FLIARA Project explores the innovative practices of rural women in farming and rural areas. To appreciate this subject, the project partners …

Rural women frequently face unique challenges and often go unnoticed in farming and in rural business. The FLIARA project aims to reverse …

The FLIARA project is dedicated to uncovering the potential of women in driving sustainable transformations in agriculture and rural areas. Across nine …

In a world where women play a crucial role in driving innovation, it is essential to recognise and amplify their contributions. The …

Intensive research is underway in Work package 2 (Foresight and trend analysis), which is being conducted at the level of three types …

[FLIARA PRESS] – The FLIARA Project, recently had the privilege of hosting a presentation by Leanne Townsend from the DESIRA project. DESIRA, …

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