
Valentina Carta

Researcher and Techonologist

Council for Agricultural Research and Agricultural Economy Analysis' (CREA) Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy, Italy.

Valentina Carta is Technologist at Council for Agricultural Research and Economics – Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy (CREA-PB) with more than ten years of experience in the field of programming, monitoring and evaluation of European and national policies. Her main domain is rural development policy with a focus on agricultural knowledge and innovation systems, farm advisory services and quality of life. She has been working at the National Rural Development Network since 2010, giving technical support to public authorities in the Rural development policy. She is a Member of the Standing Commitee on Agricultural Research (SCAR) Strategic Working Group (SWG) on Agriculture Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) and she is involved in several H2020 and HEurope project maily related to AKIS.

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