Boosting the potential of women farmers as protagonist of agroecological experiences: stories from the field
Gender and Agroecology Webinar
Throughout production systems, the social, cultural, and power differences determine the roles women and men play in society, their tasks and degree of influence over decision-making and planning. This gender power imbalance has several consequences for society in terms of gender inequality, especially in rural areas: women earn less income than men, have less access to land and production inputs, take on more domestic work, have less autonomy, and are more vulnerable to violence.
Evidence show that women are as involved as men also in agroecological experiences, but there is a lack of recognition of their protagonism in policies and programs for the sector. Women have knowledge and experience, practical and strategic skills, and should be encouraged more to speak out about their needs and proposals, individually or collectively.
Recognizing and integrating a gender-transformative approach in policies to promote agroecology can increase equality between women and men and realize the full potential of women to achieve food security, overcome rural poverty, combat biodiversity loss, and promote sustainable natural resource management.
This webinar is part of the Plant Production and Protection Division’s (NSP) Gender Action Plan for 2023-2027, which aims to better integrate gender into the division’s work. It has been organized together with the Gender Team of the Division of Inclusive Rural Transformation and Gender Equality (ESP), and aims to show, with some examples from around the world, how some methodologies can contribute to make visible the potential of women in agroecological experiments. The webinar will also present a proposal on how to better integrate women’s needs in an agroecology training program.
Objectives of the webinar:
•raise awareness of the contribution of women farmers to the development of agroecological experiences;
•present and discuss different methodologies that can generate evidence on this contribution; and
•advocate for special attention to women farmers’ needs in training activities on agroecology.
Link: https://fao.zoom.us/j/93378703806
Meeting ID: 933 7870 3806
Passcode: 15955043