Bringing the Rural Pact closer to citizens
Following the discussion during the Policy Action Labs organised in June and December 2023, the Rural Pact conference in Sweden (May 2023), the High-Level Rural Policy Forum in Sigüenza (September 2023) and the publication of the Policy Briefing on “Making the Rural Pact happen in Member States”, there is already a considerable body of ideas, recommendations and practical solutions concerning the translation of the Rural Pact into national and regional policies.
However, significant work still needs to be done, at all governance levels, to ensure that the ambitions of the Rural Vision and Pact become a reality on the ground, for all rural communities across the EU. The Rural Vision can only be achieved if national and regional policies open up possibilities for local-level actors to decide how to address local needs and opportunities.
On this basis, this Policy Action Lab will help participants look for the best ways to translate the Rural Pact into action in the local context: for example, how LEADER Local Action Groups (LAGs) can act as local Rural Pact promoters or how communities can play a strong role in decision-making on programmes and policies impacting rural areas, such as rural proofing and programming of EU funds. Proposals and recommendations developed during the event will also take into account the European Commission’s public report on the implementation of the Rural Vision and the ways forward, which is due for publication in March 2024.
The event will analyse examples of inspiring local-level action in the format of ‘Rural Pact Laboratories’. This will foster an understanding of what the Rural Pact at local level could look like and what would be its key characteristics or elements (similarly to the seven key ingredients around which the Rural Pact can be structured at national or regional levels).
The discussion will also help identify success factors and develop proposals on how to enhance the achievement of Rural Vision and Pact objectives at the local level. Outcomes from the discussion will feed into a dedicated Policy Briefing on the same topic, due for publication in September 2024.
Target audience
The Policy Lab will gather 100 participants, relevant local actors and organisations (e.g. LAGs, smart villages, associations, hubs, third places, etc.) as well as policy-makers (e.g. municipalities, regional and national public authorities) involved in the design and implementation of initiatives or policies having an impact on local rural communities.
Travel and accommodation costs for a limited number of participants who need support to participate (mainly local actors and organisations) might be covered.
In the case of oversubscription, a selection process will take place on the basis of information provided during the expression of interest process. The selection will take into account the potential of participants to act as multipliers and promoters of the Rural Pact at the local level, their readiness to share relevant examples, ability to communicate in English, and a geographical balance.
Please, do not make any travel and accommodation arrangements until your participation is confirmed via email from the organisers.
Express interest to attend before March, 22nd 2024: https://ruralpact.rural-vision.europa.eu/events/bringing-rural-pact-closer-citizens_en