M.Sc. Marie Křiváková
Veronica Hostětín
Czech Republic
Rural Areas
Remote rural areas
The innovation journey
The Centre Veronica Hostětín is a professional workplace of the basic organization of the Czech Association of Nature Protectors. Through its expert and educational activities, it provides the interpretation of professional environmental topics. It deals with both urban and rural environments.
The mission of the centre, led by Ing. Marie Křiváková, is to show, through practical examples, implemented model projects and the results of their monitoring, that a relationship with nature, local resources and traditions together with considerate management can protect the environment and the global climate, economically stabilize the countryside and solve unemployment even in relatively remote areas. The centre also provides self-realization for mentally disabled citizens.
The functional ecological village (population 240) offers a root wastewater treatment plant, communal heating based on waste chips from the surrounding forests, a conference centre with a capacity of 50 places and 28 beds in a passive house, including meals based on organic products and fair-trade products, production of cider from own apples and the like.
The innovation impact
The ecological village is a progressive concept that shows the possibilities of eco-friendly living in a rural area. This method cannot be applied everywhere; so far it is rather limited to small villages. For example, waste wood, which is used for heating, is collected from all over the area, so the surrounding municipalities would have to compete for this fuel. However, it is a model project that works, and the individual processes can serve as an example for other municipalities in the country and abroad or as a valuable educational element.