
M.Sc. Martina Bílová

M.Sc. Martina Bílová


Tvarožná Lhota

Czech Republic


Rural Areas

Remote rural areas

The innovation journey

The development of the village Tvarožná Lhota (950 inhabitants) is associated with a rich social life: INEX Bílé Karpaty (sorb trees museum), ceramics club, Lipinka (wild birds training), hunting association, fishing association, TJ Sokol (sports), pastoral centre. Emphasis is placed on working with children and for a good report card, children can spend the day with the mayoress.

The activities of associations are supported financially and also by creating conditions and providing spaces for club activities. The main idea is the preservation and restoration of traditional folk culture.

Land improvements and the construction of a street for 24 houses have started, from which they promise to keep the school. The main events are the sorb festival, the farmer’s day and others.

The village has water supply and sewerage. It is gasified and has a municipal composting plant for biological waste and waste collection yards. It is connected to the Integrated transport system of the South Moravian Region, which provides 23 bus connections on weekdays and 7 connections on weekends to the closest towns.

The innovation impact

The village received a green ribbon (for the care of greenery and the environment) in the regional round of the Village of the Year competition and a silver plaque in the Entente Florale European competition of towns and settlements. Although Tvarožná Lhota is located in the foothills in the very east of Czechia, in the district with the highest unemployment in South Moravia, in the last five years, 127 residents moved into the village compared to 59 who left.

After the restoration of municipal self-government in the 1990s, the municipality focused mainly on the completion of technical infrastructure. Currently, it appears that the key to sustaining the population is the support of social life. This approach can be effective, especially in rural areas with a long-term stabilized population that has not undergone intensive industrialization or ethnic exchange of the population.

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