
University of Calabria – Workshops Description

1. Using Future Visions to Build Policy Supporting Women-led Innovation

This workshop involves participants discussing future visions for farming and rural areas.  The focus is on visions women could make an important contribution to and what policy is needed to make these a reality.  Visions are picked from a range of options, such as local food, renewable energy, sustainable lifestyles.

2. Empowering Women to Lead: Shaping Policy for Innovation in Agriculture and Rural Areas

The objectives of this activity are twofold: (a) verify the data already collected within the project in relation to public policies and laws which frame rural women’s innovations, and (b) to create a supportive community for women innovators to connect, share experiences, and foster collaboration with various types of stakeholders including policy/decision-makers, Local actions group/LEADER and researchers. 

3. Policy Practice Discussion

This workshop aims to identify gaps in current policies and propose policy changes for female-led innovation in agriculture and rural areas. Participants will share their experiences, insights, and opinions on policy issues from local to European levels. 

FLIARA press

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