The impact of cross-gender collaboration on the successful transformation of the agrifood industry.
The agrifood industry significantly contributes to climate change, with one-third of all food purchased wasted, one-third of greenhouse gas emissions coming from the food sector, and only one-third of freshwater withdrawals attributed to other economic sectors. To successfully revamp our food system, we must reconsider our approach and recognize and appreciate innovators from diverse backgrounds. …
Valentina Carta
Valentina Carta is Technologist at Council for Agricultural Research and Economics – Research Centre for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy (CREA-PB) with more than ten years of experience in the field of programming, monitoring and evaluation of European and national policies. Her main domain is rural development policy with a focus on agricultural knowledge and innovation systems, farm advisory services and …
Inge Van Oost
Inge Van Oost is policy officer at the European Commission, Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI). She has been setting-up and supporting the implementation of the European Innovation Partnership “Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability” (EIP-AGRI), with responsibilities for the rural development programmes including strengthening linkages between research policy and rural development policy. As member …