

Jan 25 2024


14:00 - 17:30

Mental health and well-being of farmers

WHEN: 25 JANUARY 2024, FROM 14.00 TO 17.30
1st SafeHabitus Policy Seminar 

On the 25 January 2024, from 14.00 to 17.30, we are hosting our first policy seminar at the European Parliament (Room JAN 6Q1 in the József ANTALL building).

Farmers face unique challenges including the economic and environmental unpredictability of their livelihoods, risk of both spatial and occupational isolation, and rapidly evolving societal and policy contexts. These factors can contribute to heightened stress and, in severe cases, mental health issues.

The EU recognises these challenges and pressures in the EU initiative on mental health“People living in rural or remote areas, such as farmers, have particular mental health challenges associated with the risk of disconnection and lack of access to mental health services. Suicide rates among farmers are 20% higher than the national average in certain Member States, which is why support will be offered to strengthen their resilience.”

The success of these initiatives depends on raising awareness about the importance of mental health and wellbeing in the farming community and providing appropriate and accessible support services to ensure farmers and farm workers receive the help they need. Whilst some countries are leading the development of initiatives to support farmer/worker mental health and wellbeing, others are at an early stage and hungry for knowledge that will enable them develop initiatives.

A SafeHabitus activity, funded by Horizon Europe and organised by CIHEAM Zaragoza with the support of TEAGASC, GEOPA, CEJA and AEIDL, this 1st SafeHabitus Policy Seminar will bring together policy makers, policy stakeholders, and practitioners and researchers to share knowledge on how EU and national agriculture, health or social policy can make the difference to the lives of the 8.7 million people working in agriculture.

More information and registration here

The event is finished.

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