

Mar 07 2024


18:00 - 19:30

Women’s leadership in regenerative intentional communities

Social regeneration is one of the most challenging aspects for community led initiatives (CLIs). One of the main provocations is to deconstruct patriarchal patterns and redefine gender relations and roles in a way which is just and regenerative.

This CfF session builds on the vast experiences in CLIs and critical perspectives of three women leaders in ecovillages across Europe (Spain, Slovenia and the Netherlands). Inspired by the FLIARA Project, the session aims to be a space for good practices exchange, learning with and from each other, and empowerment through inspirational life stories. Our target audience are CLIs members or persons interested to find out more about practices of social regeneration from a gender perspective, women members and leaders in CLIs, and all persons who feel the need for inspiration in engaging with gender transformation in their communities.

The invited women leaders will be sharing empowering life stories which we hope to inspire collective strength, foster a dynamic exchange that catalyse self-empowerment and solidarity among women, and reveal how paths of reconfiguring gender relations intertwine with regenerative community building. Furthermore, identifying opportunities and challenges for women leaders in CLIs and exchanging best practices to handle them acts as a beacon for integrating gender transformation into socio-environmentally regenerative communities. Going one step deeper into the conversation on gender and power dynamics in regenerative intentional communities will allow us to understand the co-constitution between everyday practices and systemic patterns, such as the patriarchal one.

Registrations are open here: https://communitiesforfuture.org/civicrm/event/info/?reset=1&id=128 

FLIARA press

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